Hey girls,

hope everyone doing well! Today I'm here to talk about life behind the scenes of theslayageuk. As a business that has successfully ran for over 6 years the number one thing to say is ..... it's not easy! You have to have a passion with what you're doing.

At theslayageuk we focus on customers first , we aim to always make you feel heard and encourage you to speak out ! We will always try our best to attend to your needs. There's a lot of talk right now about ' instagram hair vendors' especially on tiktok! so i know people are fearful of shopping hair from smaller businesses. We're not just an instagram hair vendor , we are registered and sell across the globe! we want to make a difference within the hair industry.

Fear not when comes to us! when you shop here, you get your moneys worth. You get what you have paid for each and every time and we will always aim for that. 



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