Store policy and terms and conditions

by purchasing any unit or item from theSlayage uk you have  agreed and have read through our terms and conditions. TheSlayageUk will not be at fault if you have an issue and it is mentioned in the terms and conditions.Please do NOT purchase any type of product without reading the terms and conditions and store policies.
Once a unit has been purchased online it can not and will not be refunded unless it falls within the right category to do so. We do not and cannot cover any loss packages due to our courier; If this is the case, and there has not been any form of error with theslayageuk Processing you will not receive a refund. Please ensure you are with age to purchase any units online.You can not use any products for any illegal or unauthorised purpose nor may you, in the use of the Service, violate any laws in your jurisdiction.You must not transmit any worms or viruses or any code of a destructive nature. A breach or violation of any of the Terms will result in an immediate termination of your Services.FRAUDULENT Card activity can result in you being prosecuted due to criminal activity. Please do not use any other individuals details whilst purchasing items from TheSlayageUk without their consent. 
When coming to your appointment you are not allowed to bring any family members or friends with you. Unless using hair purchased from TheSlayageUk, all hair given must be in a good enough condition to be used and styled. All payments must be given in cash unless you have already payed the full amount when booking. If you fail to do so your appointment will be stopped and you’ll have to leave. 

By Agreeing to the terms and conditions at checkout you are agreeing to the following shown above